Merangkum Semua Peristiwa

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Chapter 10 Halaman 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Chapter 10 Halaman 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP Halaman 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Chapter 10

TRIBUNJATENG.COM – Berikut ini kunci jawaban buku Bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP halaman 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 chapter 10.

Chapter 10 buku bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP bertema Come and Visit Us!

Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP chapter 10 memuat materi pokok berupa teks yang mempromosikan barang dan jasa dalam bentuk iklan pendek dan sederhana.

Iklan pada umumnya berupa teks pendek yang diciptakan oleh tim kreatif yang berkemampuan memilih kata-kata serta cara merangkainya menjadi teks yang memiliki kekuatan menarik minat masyarakat untuk membeli barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan.

Halaman 192 193 194 195 membahas tentang iklan Fried Kepok Banana dan Sambal Uleg.

Murid diminta untuk mengidentifikasi bahasa iklan serta informasi yang tertera pada produk.

Selengkapnya, inilah kunci jawaban lengkap Bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP halaman 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200:

Halaman 192 193 194 195

1. Fried Kepok Banana

Goods: Fried Kepok Banana

Varieties: Chocolate, coconut, original

Price: IDR 3,000/packs of 3 pieces

Time/Place: Wednesday and Friday

Contact number/email address: Maria, 0812345678 and Murni, 0812098765

Selling points/promoting words: hot and sensasional

2. Sambal Uleg

Goods: Sambal Uleg

Varieties: – Sambal uleg for the whole family
– Mild sambal uleg for kids

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Grandma’s Kitchen, Jl. Congklak 25 Salatiga

Contact number/email address: 0298-654321

Selling points/promoting words: Perfection descended for decades.

Halaman 196 197 198

1. A Complete Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna

Services: A complete encyclopedia of flora and fauna

Varieties: In English

Price: Not Available

Time/Place: 8 am to 1 pm, the school library

Contact number/email address: Not available

Selling points/promoting words: – About animal and plants from around the world
– Highly recommended by all teachers

2. Story Telling Competition

Services: Story-Telling Competition

Varieties: For Grade 7 and Grade 8 students

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Registration at Administration Office, 8 am to 2 pm, Monday to Friday

Contact number/email address: Pak Imam

Selling points/promoting words: – A special price for the winner
– A complete set of 10 storybooks for children for the first five winners.

3. Badminton Lessons

Services: Badminton Lessons

Varieties: For SD and SMP students

Price: IDR 250,000/month

Time/Place: Gorontalo Sports Centre

Contact number/email address: Syaiful, 0865345672

Selling points/promoting words: – 1 month free for the first 100 applicants
– Professional trainers with real experience as winners
– Free shuttlecocks.

4. Language Courses

Services: Language Courses

Varieties: English, Korean, Arabic, Japanese

Price: Not Available

Time/Place: Morning, afternoon, evening, at Poliglot Langauge, Cendrawasih Campus, Jakarta, Anoa campus, Bogor.

Contact number/email address: 021-8765432 and 0251-9876543

Selling points/promoting words: – Discounts for the high achievers
– Experienced teachers
– Air-conditioned classrooms.

Halaman 199 200

1. Indonesian Course

Services: Indonesian Course

Varieties: For foreigners

Price: Not Available

Time/Place: ABC Indonesian Course

Contact number/email address: 081201012 or

Selling points/promoting words: – Experienced & friendly teachers
– We can come to your place

2. English Course

Services: English Course

Varieties: For children, SMP and SMA students

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Bima English Course

Contact number/email address:

Selling points/promoting words: Interesting events in English.

3. Jaipong Lesson

Services: Jaipong Lesson

Varieties: Not available

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Every Saturday, 10 am – 12 pm, Bangsal Budaya, Sumedang

Contact number/email address: Asep Subagja at 0812128123

Selling points/promoting words: Free

4. Houswork Services

Services: Translation

Varieties: English-Indonesian, Indonesian- English

Price: Not available

Time/Place: ABCD Translation Service

Contact number/email address: 031-8627672

Selling points/promoting words: – Experienced translators
– Free pick-up and delivery

5. Brand New 2-bedroom Houses

Goods: Brand new 2-bedroom houses

Varieties: Not available

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Not available

Contact number/email address: Rumah Kita, 08159929439

Selling points/promoting words: – Ceramic floors, big sinks, shower and bath
– Near market and bus terminal

6. A 100 year old antique cupboard

Goods:A 100 year old antique cupboard

Varieties: Solid teak wood

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Not available 

Contact number/email address: Ahmad, 021-28808080

Selling points/promoting words: – Newly polished
-Delivered to your place for free

7. Books, magazines, novels, dictionaries, encyclopedia, CDs, etc

Goods: Books, magazines, novels, dictionaries, encyclopedia, CDs, etc

Varieties: Old and new; local and imported

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Toko Buku Cerdas, Jl. Dwima 6-7 Blitar

Contact number/email address: Not available

Selling points/promoting words: Not available.  (*)



Merangkum Semua Peristiwa